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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

A Model Outlining Female Identity Crises and Stranger Affirmation Seeking on Private Facebook Groups: Insights for Marketers

Published: May 27, 2020


Sophia Mueller, University of Florida


Affirmation ; Facebook; Advertising


Facebook groups are increasing in popularity, both in the eyes of female consumers as well as marketers. Previous research has identified that users provide detailed information about themselves through these groups, which marketers can capitalize on in order to precisely target commercial messages. The question then arises, what do women gain from Facebook groups? A model is proposed which answers this question, tying together one previously identified and one new variable: identity crisis and stranger affirmation seeking. Identity crises occurs multiple times throughout a woman’s life, ranging from starting a new job, to having a child, to retiring. Through Facebook groups, she may seek affirmation from strangers during these times of trial. Marketers may recognize these tumultuous periods and develop a closer relationship with the female through the additional information she shares on the group page. Propositions are outlined, and recommendations for marketers provided.